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Is your Realtor Professional, P.2

September 25th, 2010
writeFlash({"allowFullScreen":"true","allowscriptaccess":"always","src":"","allowfullscreen":"true","width":"445","height":"364"}); HI, I’d like to talk a little about professionalism, or maybe the lack of it.  When you are interviewing an agent, there are many things  to ask about their knowledge of ...

Is your Realtor Professional?

September 23rd, 2010
writeFlash({"allowFullScreen":"true","allowscriptaccess":"always","src":"","allowfullscreen":"true","width":"445","height":"364"});   Today, is a little bit of a rant, but it should also be good information to people who are looking to enlist the services of a Realtor.  When I prepare to show proper ...

Scottsdale Real Estate statistics, Aug.2010

September 15th, 2010
HI, writeFlash({"allowFullScreen":"true","allowscriptaccess":"always","src":"","allowfullscreen":"true","width":"445","height":"364"}); The month of August saw 549 sales compared to 551 in July showing some stability.  The average sales price was $348,421, down significantly from July's $349,284. This ...

August Phoenix market stats

September 12th, 2010
HI, writeFlash({"allowFullScreen":"true","allowscriptaccess":"always","src":"","allowfullscreen":"true","width":"445","height":"364"}); I just wanted to give you some basic numbers from August.  To start, some positive news.  Initial August sales numbers were up 6% over July.  But these will change as ...

Phoenix real estate market info 9/3/10

September 3rd, 2010
A brief continuation of yesterday's VLOG.

Have a great Labor Day Weekend.

Adam Tarr PC
Citywide Real Estate
Phoenix, AZ

Sept. 2 Phoenix market info

September 2nd, 2010
HI, Check the video blog entry below for some Phoenix real estate market information. Text follows. Have a great day and make it better for others too! Adam Tarr PC Citywide Real Estate Phoenix, AZ 480-236-7374 writeFlash({"allowFullScreen":"true","allowscriptaccess":"always","src":" ...

July numbers for the Phoenix market

August 4th, 2010
As expected, the slide in numbers continued through July.  Analysts have been saying for the last few months that many buyers moved up their purchases from May, June and July to take advantage of the tax credit before it's expiration date of April 30.  While that definitely seems to have had an affect, we are seeing trends that we haven't in a couple of years.  Demand is down and inventory is ...

HUD $100 incentive expiring

July 20th, 2010
In Arizona, HUD's $100 Down payment initiative will expire on July 31, 2010. The $100 down payment was for owner occupants (Any individual who purchases a HUD home as their primary residence for at least 12 months after closing and who has not purchased a home from HUD as an owner occupant in the past twenty four months) purchasing a HUD Home with FHA financing. This incentive will continue t ...

Desert Ridge, Phoenix June numbers

July 6th, 2010
June numbers for the Desert Ridge area NE Phoenix: 97 Active (as of 7/6);33 pending and 32 AWC (mostly short sales) for 65 under contract. June was slower with 36 closings compared to 45 in May, but average price per foot was up to $141.08 in June from $138.43 in May.  The average sale price was up to $344,140 in June from $337,321 in May and the median was up as well to $363,442 from 345,000 ...

Should you really stop paying the mortgage?

July 5th, 2010
Hi,I had a pre-listing appointment this morning.This person was referred to me by an agent who isn't familiar with doing short sales.  It still amazes me that there is so much mis-information out there about what to do.  This nice gentleman was looking for info on short sales and if it was the right thing for him.  While only he can really determine that, I provided the options he has and he ...
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