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Choosing a title company

August 27th, 2008
Hi, The current slower market has effects beyond the obvious problems for home sellers.  A slower market effects the people involved in the industry as well.  There are many entities involved in a real estate transaction from the agent, to lenders, title reps, insurance and the list goes on.  The slowdown has caused numerous title agencies to shut their doors this year.  That is ...

Arizona Lakes

August 10th, 2008
HI, Friends invited me and my family to spend the afternoon on their boat.  How could I say no?  That also gave me a good idea for a blog.  It is interesting how many times I have heard comments from non AZ residents about, where would you go boating?!  Well, it so happens that Arizona had quite a few lakes that are great for water sports and recreation.  The lakes are the product of ...

Will Down Payment Assistance return?

August 6th, 2008
HI, Last week the President signed H.R. 3221 also known as the Foreclosure Prevention Act.  There has been a lot of coverage about this, and of course a lot of debate on whether this will truly have any effect on the market, as well as whether anybody should be bailed out.  What doesn't get the coverage, are the many other facets of the bill.  There are many aspects, positive an ...

Queen Creek Brief

August 4th, 2008


I recently went to Queen Creek to do a walk through for a client, and thought that I should provide a brief market thought on the area.  Check out the video below. 


Desert Ridge Market Report 7/08

August 3rd, 2008
Hi, Statistics for sales in the Desert Ridge area for July of 2008 provide a mixed bag of information.  Like the rest of the valley, prices have dropped significantly year over year, but as most media outlets don't point out, we are looking at today's numbers, vs peak numbers from the run up in 2004-2005.  Althought the market was slow throughout all of 2007, significant decreases in ...

Don't be blind to the future!

July 28th, 2008
Hi, We are making our way through summer and it's almost time for the kids to go back to school here in the Phoenix area.  Our children don't think a lot about the economy, gas prices or the real estate market.  They think about not having time to play their video games, who their new teachers will be, and will their friends be in their classes.  Priorities. Of course, we adults t ...

Is there a housing crisis?

July 19th, 2008
HI,   It is obvious that the real estate market across the country, and especially here in AZ is having difficulties.  People are very worried about the economy, due in part to the lending and real estate issues, and of course fuel prices which effects so many other aspects.  Despite all of this, the question is simple, is it really as bad as it is made out to be.  Click on the fo ...

Desert Ridge Market Report 5/08

June 16th, 2008

Attached you will find a video market report for Desert Ridge, in NE Phoenix, for May, 2008

Adam Tarr, ABR, ePro
RE/MAX Excalibur
Scottsdale, AZ

Is the Housing Crisis Over?

May 8th, 2008
Hi, I am often asked whether now is a good time to buy, or whether it is prudent to wait a few more months.  Obviously, everyones situation is different, but it goes to the basic needs of getting as much infoas possible  to make an informed decision. The media is constantly bombarding us with the negatives.  So the fact that there was a positive article in the Wall Street Journal ...

25 Biggest Mistakes

April 23rd, 2008
Hi, My wife is a huge fan of HGTV.  There was a show on last week, (and it's being re-played a couple more times) that goes over the 25 biggest real estate mistakes.  As a Realtor, I try to provide the best advice to my clients to ensure that the transaction goes as smooth as possible. This show covered many of the things that I tell my clients to do or be aware of.  Here is a link to ...

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