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July 2009 Phoenix Area Real Estate Market Report

August 4th, 2009
Welcome to August!  Many students have already started back to school here in the Phoenix area, with many more returning I the next couple of weeks.   Time to start studying in school and in the real estate market.  July statistics reveal we may have achieved some stability.  Many news outlets are doing stories concerning the bottom of the market, and more specifically, that we have hit it.  ...

Say it ain't so!

July 5th, 2009
Hi,   I have railed against the media reporting on the real estate market before.  And I have another beef.  I just read an article on, that was from  Unfortunately, I don't think it was so smart.  The article was about the top 5 cities to stay away from regarding home purchasing.  You guessed it, Phoenix was in there.  The problem I have with the article was it's ...

June 2009 Phoenix Area Real Estate Market Report

July 1st, 2009
We have now made it halfway through 2009 and in some ways it has flown by, in others, not so much.    Not many people are willing to say we are seeing recovery, and I won’t be bold enough to step out and say it either, but we are still seeing some good signs.  We still have hard times ahead of us, so let’s look at both sides.       The statistics for the Phoenix area real estate market are ...

New website for Distressed Properties

July 1st, 2009
Hi, I finally got another site up and running that is geared toward helping homeowners that are in financial distress.  As a Certified Distressed Property Expert (CDPE), it is my goal to provide education to to those people who are facing possible foreclosure.  There are alternatives to foreclosure, and too many people don't know what to do.  Often, I can provide solutions that can keep a pe ...

More Phoenix area May Real estate Statistics

June 8th, 2009
HI,   I just received an email from a local title rep, Tom Newell, who went beyond the month over month and year over year comparisons and went back a few years to compare May in each of the years.  The results are very interesting  See the charts by clicking on this link.   May ARMLS comparison to previous 4 years Adam Tarr PC, Assoc. BrokerABR,CDPE,RSPS,ePro, CNECitywide Real Estate and ...

May 2009 Phoenix/Scottsdale Real Estate market report

June 2nd, 2009
May has come and gone and summer will be here soon.  In these difficult economic times many people are happy to see the time fly fast, as it means we are that much closer to recovery.  Even better, the statistics for the Phoenix area real estate market provide some very much needed good news.  Not only are the temperatures heating up, but so is the market.  May continued the upward trend that ...

In-migration to Phoenix

May 25th, 2009
Forbes recently conducted a study identifying metro areas with the highest in-migration.  While the economy has slowed down moving for many people, some areas still remain relatively strong.  Mostly due to the weather and job market.  Phoenix ranked number 4 on that list.  Hooray for us!  While the rate has decreased from the previous couple years, it is still far better than most metro areas ...

How hard do you want to work?

May 15th, 2009
Hi,   I am headed out with a client tomorrow to look at some homes, most of which are short sales.  They originally called on a foreclosed property, but mentioned that they seem to like short sales better, because there is more of a chance of them being in better shape.  What was really interesting was that they had been working with another agent who refused to work with short sales.  Now, ...

More Phoenix area April Real estate Statistics

May 11th, 2009
Last week I provided some statistics on real estate sales in the Phoenix and Scottsdale metro area for April 2009.  Here are some additional statistics defining single family detached homes with a comparison to the same period in the previous few years.  Good numbers to see! April 2009 Sales comparison Phoenix metro The percentages in the chart represent the percentage of single family to t ...

Phoenix area real estate sales up in April

May 1st, 2009
Wow, what a month.  April continued the uptrend in the market that we have seen all this year so far.  The following statistics are for residential properties only, not including land and lots.  April saw tremendous numbers compared April of 2008.  Sales throughout the entire Phoenix metro (based on ARMLS statistics) were up 75.3% year over year for April, while the median price dropped 45.3% ...

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